Word. Community.
Missions. Commission.




The local church must be centered upon the preaching and teaching the Word of God for the church to have life.

Join us on Sunday mornings:
5590 Bruce Avenue, Louisville, KY 40214

Sunday School

Sunday Service


The local church community must reflect a deep love, care and commitment to one another to accurately reflect the gospel. We provide and encourage our members to be part of the various ministries we have at Auburndale.

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The local church must have a passion for the spread of the gospel to both their neighbors and the world through an individual and corporate involvement.

We send and support Christian workers for the purpose of spreading the Gospel both at home and abroad particularly to the unreached peoples.



The local church must assume the full responsibility in the testing, training, affirming, and sending of pastors and missionaries from within the local congregation.

Since ####, Auburndale has sent out ## church members for ministry in ## different states/countries.